# Overview

# Introduction

Senders are verified e-mail address identities owned and operated by you, which you can use to send out e-mails to your customers through the various services we provide.

It is rather easy to abuse e-mail as technology, so many techniques have been developed to try and distinguish between malicious activity and legitimate communication.

One such technology is verifying that you are the owner of the e-mail address. Once done, you can safely communicate with your customers without worries of it being marked as SPAM.

# List

To view your current verified e-mail identities click on Senders in the navigation menu on the left.

You'll see a list of all e-mail addresses you have access to. Click on the gearbox icon for additional options.

# System-managed

You might also see e-mail addresses listed in the senders table that do not belong to you. Those are system addresses created and managed by various resources like Mautic instances.

You cannot access the inboxes of such addresses, and you cannot delete them. They will be deleted automatically along with the corresponding resources that are managing them.